Cocktail reception at 5:30 pm
Screening begins promptly at 6:15 pm

Join Voices of Zion for our next exclusive documentary screening of Four Winters: A Powerful Tale of Jewish Partisan Resistance & Bravery in World War II.

Hear from the heroes of the Holocaust, the courageous Jewish men and women who risked their lives to fiercely fight back against Hitler and the Nazis. The film features interviews with the last living partisans and weaves together their stories through personal photos, letters, rare archival film footage, and more. After the screening, director Julia Mintz will be in conversation with Dafna Yoran, assistant district attorney of New York City and daughter of Shalom Yoran, a partisan who deeply inspired this film.

Plus, you’ll learn more about UJA’s critical and important work caring for Holocaust survivors and how we’re responding to skyrocketing antisemitism.

Get a first look at the film by watching the trailer here

Thank you to Seryl Ritter and Minna Seitelman for underwriting a portion of the event.

Dietary laws observed


Michele and Larry Gould
Carol and Jerry Levin
Seryl Ritter and Buddy Skydell

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Questions? Get in touch.
Adrienne Rubin-Prince
