The enormity of the still unfolding crisis in Israel is unprecedented in scope — and calls for an unprecedented response.

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We’re committed to the promise of a Jewish and Democratic state that is vibrant and inclusive — now and always. 

We’ve been standing with Israel since its earliest days. Today, we’re working with Israelis to advance social and economic mobility among all populations — so everyone can take part in the promise of the start-up nation. In crisis and every day, our funding supports critical services for victims of terror, Holocaust survivors, impoverished children, and people on the margins. We’re also funding (and even operating) programs that promote inclusion and understanding between Israelis of all ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Our Impact

  • 93,700 at-risk Israeli children benefit from services. 

  • 60,800 Israeli seniors benefit from life-enhancing

  • 74,700 Israelis receive employment services or job training. 

  • 2,100 Israelis receive trauma relief services. 

  • 29,600 new olim receive services to acclimate to Israeli life. 

  • 4,300 Ethiopian teens receive services to help them succeed academically. 

  • 10,900 Haredim receive job training. 

  • $3.4 million in loans given to struggling small businesses.

  • Coming up: UJA is planning a dramatic expansion of the UJA Benin Scholars Program, making it one of the largest scholarship programs in Israel for talented Israelis on the socio-economic periphery.

Israel at 75

Experience a powerful, emotional glimpse of what your support helps make possible for Israel’s people, land, and future.

We’re committed to strengthening bonds between diverse groups in Israel — and between New York Jewry and Israel.
Where Collaboration Begins

Our groundbreaking Co.Lab initiative brings together Israeli changemakers who represent the diversity of Israeli society — Haredi, Arab, LGBTQ, Ethiopian, and more — to collaborate on a shared vision for Israel’s future.

Modeling Cooperation

At a time of extreme polarization, this work has become ever more critical. Highlights include:

  • Bringing religious and secular Jewish teens together to build leadership, volunteer in their communities, and just have fun.

  • Enabling young Arab and Jewish residents in the mixed city of Akko to identify shared problems in their community and work together to solve them.


Toward Greater Understanding
    • Through funding to the Jewish Agency, we supported the development of The New Jew, a four-episode miniseries that followed well-known Israeli host Guri Alfi as he traveled the United States, introducing contemporary American Jewish life to Israelis.

    • We’re hosting Israeli influentials who visit New York to help Israelis develop a greater understanding of and sensitivity to Jewish life in North America. 

    • In partnership with the Jewish Agency, we support a delegation of 23 Israeli emissaries (shlichim) who work with 114 New York organizations to bring Israel education to community members of all ages. These emissaries ran more than 2,688 programs and engaged over 17,000 people last year.

We’re integrating the latest wave of Ethiopian olim.

With our support, the Jewish Agency for Israel is completing the second wave of "Operations Zur Israel," which began in 2020 and will see a total of 5,000 Ethiopians brought to Israel. To help these new olim acclimate and succeed, we’re funding new models of integration — placing those who have more formal education on a kibbutz or community setting, rather than absorption centers. 


The Jerusalem Campus for the Arts — a major UJA initiative — is now open, breathing new creative and economic vitality into the ancient city.

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Ethiopian. Haredi. And Bedouin-Israeli. We’re creating opportunities for disadvantaged Israelis seeking high-tech jobs.

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